
Sapiens and the right of Self Destruction


Faizan Ahmad Nadeem

Tianjin University China

December 26, 2021

Life’s quest to dominate fellow lifeforms began with the birth of life itself. The evolutionary history of Earth life confirms that every species that ever existed here always utilized all of its capabilities and available resources of the time to grow, to prosper, to dominate other species, to improve the living standards, and to pass on better traits to their offsprings. During the entire evolutionary history, all lifeforms of their time supported each other and created somehow a favorable environment for life to thrive and to evolve into new and more efficient lifeforms than the previous ones. Perhaps, that perfect utilization of resources is the source of such marvelous biodiversity that our planet has enjoyed so far. And just like every living being, Homo sapiens having the same evolutionary background, also utilized all the natural resources available in their immediate environment to make their lives better, to ensure their survival and their dominance on other species. This blend of intelligence with survival marathons among all lifeforms on earth led to the era of so-called unsustainable growth.

Until humans evolved, there might be a species that had some local influence on other species living in their specific environment, but never a single species hold the fate of life’s global future in its hand. But contrary to other earthlings, taking the advantage of intelligence, pattern recognition, and the unique capability to work in groups of thousands or even millions of individuals, Homo sapiens conquered the entire planet and became the sole commander of the ship of life on Earth and started manipulating all inorganic & organic natural resources for their benefit. It’s the specialty of Homo sapiens, who became the only species that achieved that evolutionary goal. So, when we discuss the current impacts of human activities on climate and other earthlings, we must appreciate this billion of years old struggle of all lifeforms for the dominance, which we have managed to achieve. From an evolutionary perspective, the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, climate change, extinction of other earthlings, or any threat humanity has imposed to the existence of life on earth, not remains a topic of criticism but its evolutionary right. But being the source of self-destruction, we can call it, “The Life’s right of Self-destruction.”

Today the most serious threat our planet’s ecosystem facing is climate change. Despite the consistent warnings of the scientific community, debates, negotiations, and the persuasions of international organizations like the united nation and other regional efforts to control the global temperature, instead of being stopped or decreasing, the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is increasing exponentially. In spite of the significant understanding that our existence on this planet is possible only with the support of Earth’s biodiversity and stable natural forces, the ever-increasing threats of environmental catastrophes and global instability suggest that humanity can’t compromise on its right of self-destruction just by international agreements being implemented in few developed countries, because all the citizens of 3rd world and developing countries have also been evolved on the same principles as the residents of developed countries did and all human being despite the differences in the socio-economical and political situation of their country has the similar desires to grow and to make their living standards healthier and stronger. This fact compels them to exploit the natural resources without any hesitation, disturbing the ecological peace of the planet, because they don’t have enough infrastructure and intellectual capability to contribute to the global efforts to combat the serious threats of climate change because of their unreliable economies, struggling political systems, and unbalanced social infrastructure. So, to combat global threats like climate change and to avoid self-destruction, we must have to act as a single species, not as individual nations. And It’s the responsibility of developed countries and nations with strong economies to ensure a uniform distribution of global resources and balanced life standards for every human culture inhabiting the Earth today.

“Without every single individual being involved in the struggle, humanity’s hundreds of years old consciousness can’t defeat life's billions of years old evolutionary right of self-destruction.”